A very special day!
Given one whole day to spend time with baobei was juz so nice...
We went to Bedok to give Pat's birthday present after our lunch at Hougang Mall... Then we headed down to Raffles Place, because the Firewoks Festival is held at the One Fullerton. Today is the Fireworks Festival Opening Ceremony.
We reached there at abt 7 something... It was already packed with alot of viewers.... Luckily we got 2 special admission tickets to view the fireworks... woo yeah! The waiting hours for the fireworks to start is long... At that moment of time, I feel hungry and tired... Anyway, we waited till 9 then the fireworks is officially start...
When the fireworks start, I can say the long hours of waiting is worth it... the fireworks are so beautiful... especially when they play the music from different type of countries... it makes the whole atmosphere so special... especially there is one part when they play rumba song... it really make mi feel touched... That moment was so beautiful, when u r watching fireworks with your loved ones... that feeling... i really dunno how to describe... but its wow! Lolx...
After the end of fireworks... baobei told me he got something to give it to mi... He took out from his bag... He handed me this Ladybird box... its a pair of rings... I feel so fortunate... I feel thatI'm the luckiest woman in the world... I can feel that the happiness he wanted to give it to me...
This moment is juz so unforgettable! Baobei... I really really love u! Muackzzz...
Below are some ramdom pics before and during the process fireworks... Enjoy peepS!
Baobei look so stress!

Lucky him... have me to cheer up his day :)

5th of Aug 2006... Fireworks Festival Admission Tix

Baobei so wanted to be Merlion! Hahahaah

Nice background

Fireworks started... woohoo!

He gave it to me... Our committment yea...

Sweet yea?

Let us end it with a smile :) Cheerz

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